The Inspirational Journey of Warrington Nongspung: Towards sustainable farming

In a world increasingly recognizing the symbiotic relationship between sustainable practices and healthy living, Mr. Warrington Nongspung from Madan Thangsning, a small village in Smit, East Khasi Hill District, Meghalaya, holds strong his commitment to organic, chemical-free farming. His transformation from a simple farmer to a sustainable farming enthusiast is an inspiration of many.

Raised amidst the agricultural chores of his parents, Warrington’s roots in farming run deep. Fuelled by both necessity and passion, he transitioned from aiding his family to embracing farming as his life’s calling. His expertise, acquired through self-study and hands-on experience, blossomed into a dedication to free chemical farming—a commitment that would shape his future endeavours profoundly.

Warrington’s foray into sustainable agriculture received a significant boost during a knowledge-sharing and Exchange program organized by the Social Service Centre (SSC) on 30th November 2021. Interacting with the former Director Fr. Bernard Laloo proved vital, as it led to the adoption of vermicomposting—an innovative technique promoted by Fr. Bernard for its soil-enriching properties. Armed with newfound knowledge, Warrington began producing substantial quantities of vermicompost, laying the groundwork for a more sustainable farming approach.

In 2022, Warrington produced six sacks of vermicompost, each weighing between 50-100kg. However, he was not selling the vermicompost yet since it is only sustainable for his own use. His efforts in sustainable farming caught the attention of the SSC, which later provided training in cultivating mushrooms and millets. Although he initially ventured into mushroom cultivation, he had to discontinue it due to unfavourable weather conditions and soil infertility.

When asked about the yearly benefits he reaped from his agricultural endeavours, Warrington explained that “it all depends on the weather and the season; favourable weather conditions lead to abundant yields.” He utilizes his produce for both personal consumption and commercial purposes. He procures all the seeds from the market, except for potatoes, which he preserves himself.

But Warrington’s journey didn’t stop there. According to Ms Daisy Thongni, Field Programme Associate, SSC, his relentless pursuit of sustainability led him to explore diverse avenues, including mushroom cultivation and millet farming, supported by training initiatives facilitated by the SSC. Despite encountering setbacks like unfavourable weather and soil conditions, Warrington’s resolve remained unshaken.

His steadfast dedication bore fruit in the form of an Integrated Farming System (IFS) – a holistic approach combining vegetable cultivation, livestock rearing, and fruit tree cultivation, which not only bolstered his yields but also diversified his income streams. Over the past few years, he has managed to support himself and his family, especially his children’s education through agricultural practices, reaping significant benefits. To date, he earns an amount of Rs 80,000 per month which is twice the of what he earns before starting up rearing livestock.

However, Warrington’s story isn’t just about personal triumph; it’s a testament to the transformative power of sustainable farming in addressing broader societal and environmental challenges. In a world grappling with soaring fertilizer costs, climate-induced agricultural disruptions, and looming food crises, Warrington’s commitment to eco-friendly practices offers a ray of hope. His journey underscores the potential of sustainable farming not only to ensure food security but also to mitigate environmental degradation and promote equitable agricultural practices.

As Warrington reflects on his journey, he acknowledges the pivotal role played by SSC in nurturing his agricultural aspirations. His gratitude is palpable as he credits the training initiatives, ranging from mushroom cultivation to vermicomposting, for revitalizing his farming endeavours. With a steadfast resolve, Warrington vows to continue his advocacy for sustainable agriculture, urging fellow farmers to embrace this noble cause.

In Warrington Nongspung, we find not just a farmer, but a visionary – a custodian of the land, committed to nurturing both livelihoods and ecosystems. His journey serves as a potent reminder that, in the face of adversity, perseverance, and sustainability can pave the way for a brighter, greener future.